Interview with Robert Okoński, Sales Director in Wawel S.A.

Tuesday, 26 January, 2016 Food From Poland 24/2016
What strategies will Wawel realize in 2016?

We intend to continue with marketing strategy “Wawel. Joy Liberates.” Observing the situation on the market and being in constant contact with our consumers, we are preparing new solutions and astonishing flavours, which will satisfy even the most demanding gourmets. It is important to be close to our consumers and provide them with goods of the highest quality.
We are also trying to engage our clients and fans of our brand through interesting, unconventional sales solutions and consumer activities. One of these solutions is the Pick & Mix project, related to sale of loose sweets on display stands located in stores. This innovative sales approach is gaining more and more popularity – not only in Poland, but also abroad. Thanks to various options modular displays with loose products work well both in small shops and large ones. As a result, thousands of shops in Poland have increased their turnover in bulk sale. We are particularly proud of this project, hence, we will continually focus on its development and promotion. Of course we will not forget about the product itself – we are preparing a few novelties and we are working on consumer activities.

Why do you think the Pick & Mix project is the right path towards growth?

We are aware that clients gladly reach for loose candy because they can buy as much of their desired product as they like and the simplicity in composing the mix encourages them to reach for new flavours. Moreover, products on display stands are divided into two price groups. The possibility to individually select mixed sweets and the clear pricing simplifies the purchasing decision. Thinking of different needs, we have designed four types of expositions. All of these makes sales of loose candies go into new demension and triggers joy among consummers.

What will you surprise your consumers with in 2016?

Our consumers’ interest for our sweets motivates us to work on novelties, that is why in 2016 we will introduce some new products. Wawel is a brand with with long tradition. For over 100 years we have been operating on the market basing on proven recipies. However, with great attention of chocolate products we follow trends and changing shopping tendencies. We are in constant contact with our clients, that is why we know what products they expect. We are keen to offer our consumers products of outstanding quality with original packaging and taste. An example could be our chocolate with jelly pieces “Fresh & Fruity”, which only after a few weeks of launching last year was very successful in sales. We are also working on new flavours in other categories which, hopefully, will positively surprise our consumers.

What challenges are being faced in the confectionery industry?

Over a century of tradition has given Wawel a unique experience in the production and sales of sweets. We also confront our challenges – which are among others the increasing prices of raw materials and active competition. As a brand and company that wants to stay the leader, we invest in human resources and technology used in the production of confectionery. This is the reason we decided to extend our plant in Dobczyce.
Other challenges include introducing new flavours of our products, which can after all represent some risk. To date none of our novelties have been a failure. Our fruity jellies “Fresh & Fruity” are a sales hit both in Poland and abroad. This is also the case in sweets and chocolate, especially those with a high cocoa content. They are loved by consumers because of exeptional quality at a decent price. Meeting the expectations of our customers while maintaining brand loyalty is our priority.

The world relishes in Polish chocolate. Why is it valued in foreign markets?

Consumers are used to our products, which are produced with great care and the ingredients used are of the highest quality. As I mentioned, foreign markets appreciate our products, especially our premium chocolate with a high cocoa content, sweets and jellies. Currently, we sell our products to about fifty countries on five continents. Wawel chocolates are produced according to traditional recipes, however, we try to continually surprise our clients with new flavours. The already mentioned jelly sweets “Fresh & Fruity” can be relished by consumers in tens of countries. Flavour of Wawel sweets are appreciated, but also important is their quality and unique packaging – this keeps us happy and motivated.

The company Wawel is characterized by actively obtaining foreign markets. How was the year 2015 with regards to this and what are the plans for the near future?

We do not limit ourselves just to the domestic market, and rightly said we are also active abroad. This is with regards to the potential we see in the foreign markets as well as the extremely positive reception our products receive from consumers outside the Polish market. We ended 2015 with success and we observed stable growth in the sales of our products. In comparison to the previous year, we noted an increase. In Poland each person eats a few kilograms of chocolate products per year, whereas in Switzerland tens of kilograms. This is a signal that the market potential is big and this motivates us even more. We hope that 2016 will be even a better year for Wawel confectionery.

Thank you.

tagi: Wawel S.A. , Robert Okoński ,