
Interview with Ryszard Pizior, President of the Board, OSM Włoszczowa

Monday, 09 October, 2017 Food From Poland 29/2017
Polish tradition and Polish products. How the products of SM Włoszczowa are seen abroad?

There is a growing interest among foreign consumers who want the taste of traditional Polish products. OSM Włoszczowa is one of the strongest dairy brands in Poland, so our products are well known and appreciated also around the world. They are characterized by very high quality and attractive prices. Our products satisfy the needs, requirements and expectations of the customers.

Which export directions are the most important for You?

All export directions are important to us. We exposed our products to all markets, especially: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, England, France, Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Algeria, USA, Israel.

How does Your offer directed for foreign markets look?

OSM Włoszczowa is well known for producing high quality yellow ripening cheeses, dairy products and whey powder. The main export products are swiss type cheese (mazdamer), whey powder and cottage cheese.

The company has a wide range of products for further processing – curd cheese in 11kg packs, natural yoghurts in 11kg and 5kg patties, cheese shreads, Cagliata cheese for Mozarella production.

OSM Włoszczowa also offers a wide range of products for restaurants, hotels, bakeries, and the catering industry. Thermized confectionery cheese perfectly suited to cheesecake, vanilla flavored confectionery cheese perfect for rolls, natural yogurt exquisite for gastronomy, cheese shreads perfect for pizza, casseroles, whey powder ideal for all kinds of sweets (cakes, sweets, biscuits, ice cream, cappuccino).

What Polish and foreign consumers can expect from your company’s porfolio?

Our portofolio is very attractive – OSM Włoszczowa offers all kind of milk products – everyone can find product compatibile with his tastes, even the most demanding consumers. Our clients can expect continuous pursuit of satisfying the needs and requirements of consumers, ensuring the health-safety of the products.

Do you have any plans for putting new products on the market?

We realize, that our success depends not only on quality products, but also on innovativeness. At the moment we are working on launching several products, but for now we will not reveal details.

Thank you
Monika Kociubińska

tagi: Ryszard Pizior , OSM Włoszczowa ,