The quality and tradition of Polish confectionery

Tuesday, 30 January, 2018 Food From Poland 30/2018
Poland exports a lot of confectionery for a reason – we have known for many years how to manufacture quality confectionery and we care about its high quality. Besides cold cuts, it is our trademark abroad. The production of Polish sweets is backed by many years of tradition. We have our own, typically Polish delicacies that cannot be found in other countries, and they arouse the interest of foreigners.
Back in the 1950s, a simple chocolate-covered wafer became highly popular on our domestic market, but it also won the hearts of other nations. Interestingly, the taste of this wafer is remembered with much emotion by entire generations of Icelanders. A famous Polish sweet is the fudge-like krówka with sticky filling. Its production had already started in the early 20th century. The same period was also the beginning of the production of irysy (“irises”), milk-based candies that gained much popularity in the Communist era and were exported on a large scale to Poland’s neighbours. Similarly, the inter-war period saw the emergence of ptasie mleczko (“bird’s milk”) – a melt-in-the-mouth vanilla mousse in chocolate coating. The hit of the second half of the 20th century was chocolate-covered sponge cakes with orange jelly. The origins of Toruń gingerbread – dark cake with honey, having a peculiar taste and flavoured with clove, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg – go back to the 15th century. On the other hand, Warsaw’s favourite for many years has been an ordinary raspberry and lemon candy known as pańska skórka. It is home-made and sold at stalls by cemeteries on All Souls’ Day on 1 November. This delicacy, while enjoying a cult status in the capital, is unknown in other regions of Poland. These traditional but simultaneously modern Polish sweets are a common gift to foreign guests and a desired export commodity.

Today, these delicacies still find their way to tables and remind us of the old times, as manufacturing companies still operate but adapt their assortment to requirements of modern customers. This industry is developing at a fast rate; consumers change and so do the products. We have different nutritional habits today; for instance, there is a noticeable trend to manufacture healthier sweets than they used to be. Innovative solutions are being introduced, drawing upon our tradition but also inspired by worldwide trends.

Confectionery-manufacturing companies have been operating in Poland for many years; some of them were established as early as the 19th century and are doing well until this day. They are a sign that guarantees good quality of products and can be recognized outside Poland as well.

Joanna Chilicka,
Polish Chamber of Commerce

tagi: Polish confectionery , quality , tradition ,