
Polish agri-food export

Thursday, 24 January, 2019 Food From Poland 34/2019
Excellent quality, healthy environment, sustainable manufacturing – these are the advantages of Polish, affecting the level of agri-food exports from our country. Therefore, there can be no wonder that the value of food exported from Poland between 2004 and 2017 recorded an increase by as much as 421 percent. Yet we still have growth potential and there are many regions of the world where export negotiations are in progress.
Currently, Polish production reaches 70 countries, most of which are comprised by the European Union states, but we are still expanding our outlets to non-EU countries. Sales of Polish products to African and South American countries as well as Australia are rising each year. Middle and Far Eastern countries are very promising directions too.

The success of Polish exports was undoubtedly affected by a very good quality-to-price ratio – we are able to maintain a competitive price level while simultaneously offering innovative products that perfectly fit in with worldwide trends. In some countries, goods ‘made in Poland’ are synonymous with premium products: high-quality and unique.

Many small Polish manufacturers can find their place on international markets owing to the fashion for regional products made in a traditional way, according to recipes and procedures known for decades. Such goods have an opportunity to stand out because mass products are not attractive anymore to affluent customers who look for something special, unique, with particular advantages. And many Polish producers can satisfy this demand.

Polish food exports in 2018 are predicted to reach a record amount of 28 billion euros. Optimists even claim it will be 30 billion euros and we still have not had our final word. The Polish processing market is developing very dynamically, which is also fostered by the global trend for natural, ecologic products suitable to the healthy lifestyle of consumers. Thanks to sustainable production and the unspoiled environment,  Polish processors are able to satisfy  such needs.

As an association of the largest trade chains, we know how popular Polish products are in our store chains across Europe. Each year, the value of exports of Polish products via chains associated in the POHiD exceeds PLN 10 billion. Manufacturers who are flexible and able to respond quickly to the needs of the market and consumers or to modify the composition of products in line with the ongoing trends always have prospects of sales through trade chains, not just in Poland but abroad. However, this requires not only logistic and manufacturing efficiency but fulfillment of the highest quality standards as well as implementing certification for a given food sector, as required by the chains. Yet thanks to such cooperation, many Polish producers and manufacturers have gained access to foreign markets, even though they had never thought of such expansion before.

For Polish producers, the last two decades have been a time of dynamic development, introduction of new technologies, certification, observation of innovations on developed markets. For several years, we have been ready to become the leader in certain segments, to affect consumer trends, to propose products and solutions that will catch on, not just on the Polish market but on international ones as well.

Renata Juszkiewicz,
President of the Polish Organization of Commerce and Distribution (POHiD)

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