Billions of expenses await the Polish packaging industry

Sunday, 02 February, 2020 Food From Poland 37/2020
PLN 2-4 billion will have to be allocated by packaging companies to adapt to regulatory changes related to promoting the circular economy, analysts Santander Bank Polska and SpotData estimate. According to the report they prepared, the total development of the industry until 2025 will require investments at a level of approx. PLN 20-25 billion... The packaging sector invests much more than most of the other industries, as the authors point out in their report “‚Packaging revolution’. Polish producers in the face of changes in regulations and consumer preferences”.
The industry’s share in industrial investments reaches 5 percent and is much higher than its share in revenues or in total employment in manufacturing. This is the effect of both the rapid pace of development and technological and regulatory changes. Among the expenses of the packaging industry, the largest outlays will absorb replacement investments and investments in increasing production assets, i.e. buildings or machines. They are associated with the natural development of the packaging sector. In recent years, Poland has become one of the leaders in their production. In the aforementioned report, the forecasted increase in supplies to the domestic market is to grow at a rate of 4.3% per year by 2025. High demand will also be reported abroad. Direct export of packaging is expected to grow by 6.5% y / y on average. Additional expenses will also force regulatory changes. The European Union aims to reduce waste generation and maximize material recycling in European economies, and is implementing specific guidelines and regulations to this end. Manufacturers of plastic and single-use goods will experience the most severe changes.

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