
The nutritional trends of 2022 at small-format stores

Friday, 04 February, 2022 Food From Poland 38/2022
At small-format stores, just like in larger outlets, new nutritional trends are noticeable, such as giving up on or limiting meat consumption, or the purchase of ecologic products free of lactose, gluten, or sugar. Products from these categories record larger or smaller growth (the value of sales of vegetable yoghurts has increased almost threefold in comparison with the previous year, customers have spent almost twice as much on vegetable cold cuts and dried sausages, and the sale of plant substitutes for milk grew by more than 20%), but they still comprise a small part of sales (e.g. one package of plant-based “milk” falls for approx. 100 packages of animal milk).
The upcoming year will bring a new share of challenges to be faced by retailers, such as inflation, increase of the excise tax for alcohol and tobacco products, or amendments to the Sunday trade regulations. It should be kept in mind that, despite difficult economic conditions, changing legal regulations, the shrinking number of shops, rising prices, and high competition from discount stores, small-sized stores remain a very important channel of food sales, as well as the main, or at least favourite, place for shopping for many customers, and will probably remain so for a long time.

Elżbieta Szarejko, CMR

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