
PROFI Products Are Where Poles Are

Thursday, 29 September, 2011 Author: Tomasz Pańczyk,
We talk about export products, a consistent policy towards customers, competition in foreign markets, and innovations introduced with Mikolaj Chrzanowski, Area Export Manager in Wielkopolska Wytwornia Zywnosci PROFI Ltd. S.K.A.
How important is the foreign market for PROFI? What is the share of export to sales now?

Foreign markets are for PPROFI as important as the domestic ones. We do not divide the markets into ‘better’ or ‘worse’ ones. Different markets have different requirements. Each of them is a little different, and we – as an ambitious company – are trying to meet their requirements. The current share of export sales fluctuates at around 10%, which, as compared to the total turnover of the company is a satisfactory result.

How do you compete in foreign markets? Which PROFI products exported are particularly requested by foreign contractors?

What is particularly successful are, of course, our flagship products, i.e. poultry pâtés. It should be noted that we cannot complain about the lack of contractors’ interest also in other products. In the German market, Bigos [Sauerkraut-And-Meat Stew] in the 500 g jar, and fish spreads are the leading products. United Kingdom admires our 500 g Baked Beans. The United States is the kingdom of our pork pâtés and hams. In recent years, competition in foreign markets has been exacerbated among Polish companies. This is due to great customer interest in Polish products and the entering into foreign markets by a growing number of Polish companies operating in the same segment. In terms of competitiveness, our recipe is simple: an excellent product, reliable recipient and a common desire to develop. With these three elements no competition for us is terrible. In addition, we rely on advertising from our faithful customers. Those living outside the borders of our country are often the first ones to encourage their friends to try our specialties.

Do you use the support of Polish institutions in promoting the company and its products abroad?

We are in constant contact with the Fundacja Kaliski Inkubator Przedsiebiorczosci [Kalisz Business Incubator Foundation]. We get up to date information on fairs and exhibitions, in which they participate. We are invited to various training programmes, we participate in cooperate meetings that are organized. We have had joint trips to the following fairs (RIGAFOOD 2010 in Latvia, Alimentaria 2010 in Spain). The Alimentaria Fair in Barcelona, Spain resulted in the cooperation with a Spanish partner. If necessary, we ask for information from Polish Embassies in countries of our interest. They are a rich source of information.

In 2001 you received permission to export to the United States. How is the cooperation with U.S. contractors?

We were one of the first Polish companies, which was given such permission – and it is not easy. We are very proud of it. For a period of 10 years we have repeatedly passed inspections from the American side (such inspections must be done at least once a year), and inspectors have never had objections to our company. I will say it immodestly – they often use our company as an example. In the U.S. market we work with, in fact from the very beginning, only one recipient. We are very pleased about that cooperation. Sales for the U.S. market increases year by year. Our products (pork pâtés and pork hams) are widely recognized among American consumers. While walking through the streets of Chicago or New York, you can see trucks covered with our ads. If you enter a shop, you can easily find our products on the shelves. We are considering expanding the product range. We have already taken some action towards this.

In which countries are products with the PROFI logo available?

Basically, products with the PROFI logo are where the Poles are – i.e. anywhere. Our main customers are located in the following markets: U.S., British, German, Irish, Canadian, Greek, Estonian, Dutch, Spanish, Australian, Swedish, Icelandic. Our products can easily be found in major retail chains in these countries, as well as in small shops. We are constantly looking for new customers and new outlet markets. Right now we are having a few interesting talks that will hopefully result in long-term cooperation.

The PROFI brand is not only pates. Your offer also comprises of other product lines. Please tell us more about them, including those that go for export.

Our offer within 18 years of existence, has broadened from 9 products to nearly 60, and in a few weeks this number will already be obsolete. We are constantly expanding our product range in order to provide our customers with what they need. Currently in our offer we have something for everyone. In addition to pates, there are canned meats, ham, e.g. turkey ham, luncheon meat including minced meat with added flavours such as with pepper or mushrooms. As the first Polish company to have launched instant liquid soup to the market – ready to eat almost immediately after opening. Only 3-4 minutes of heating are enough and the soup is ready. Currently, the product range includes 12 types of soup. This product range will soon be expanded with new products which like the previous ones, will also not contain any preservatives or artificial colourings, and with their taste they will completely seduce the taste buds of our customers. Ready-to-serve meals are another group of products, which are implemented in our company in response to market expectations. Excellent taste, easy to prepare, attractive price – all these make the products more and more popular among customers in Poland and abroad. The so-called ‘Meals on Trays’ 300 grams, which can be directly placed in the microwave and heated in the sales pack makes it at the moment the easiest, most economical and fastest way to prepare yourself a hot meal. In our opinion, ready-to-serve meals are the future, and a very close future. Therefore, this product range is constantly developing. At the end of this year we will be able to offer our customers entirely new dishes such as ‘Tortellini Italiano’ or ‘Hot and Spicy Hungarian Pork Goulash’, ‘Chilli Con Carne’, ‘Meatballs in spicy capers sauce’, and many others. Dishes in jars – traditional Polish dishes, like the previously mentioned ‘Bigos’ or ‘Stuffed Cabbage’ and ‘Meatballs’ are constantly acquiring new consumers, since they were introduced into the market. The top-quality products that are used in the production make our jars able to compete with all others and we do not have to worry about the results. Fish Spreads, 110 grams, offered in three flavours: Speciality of the House, Tomato, Pepper, Brigand's Cod with Rice, 105 grams, is a group of our products, which for many years is highly regarded both domestically and abroad. ‘Manor Pates’, often called the PREMIUM products, is a narrow line consisting of only 4 product ranges: ‘Wild Boar Manor Pate’, ‘Deer Manor Pate’, ‘Rabbit Manor Pate’, ‘Pork Manor Pate’. This group, however, is able to satisfy even the most demanding gourmets.

Aluminium packaging for Pates – it is the PROFI company that launched this trend in the Polish market. What other facilities can the consumer expect?

Our company since the inception has focused on quality, professionalism and innovation. You could even say that we pave the way for other companies. This was the case with aluminium packaging or liquid soups packaged in multi-layered plastic wraps (doypack) and meals on 300 grams trays. This is not an easy task, but we do not like easy tasks. All our products are consumer friendly. They have a handy package, they are very easy to prepare, and at the same time they meet the highest quality standards.

Polish quality is one of the main assets of domestic products. What else affects the high-class Polish delicacies in foreign markets?

It is true that Polish food is highly appreciated in foreign markets. I agree with the fact that one of the characteristic features is the high quality (you can see it at least in our example). In addition, what is essential is relying on domestic, proven recipes, and commitment to work. We are fortunate, for which we have really worked hard, that for a foreign client Polish food = good, tasty, top quality. May this trend last as long as possible.

The prizes, awards and certificates, which you have received, are certainly confirmation of the quality of the product. In the eyes of consumers it is these that guarantee the company and its products a reputation. What can you be proud of in this area?

We want and we make sure that our brand is clearly associated with a quality guarantee. PROFI – guarantees! – It is not just a slogan, but a consistent policy towards our customers. Our efforts are confirmed by numerous awards and prizes. This is our tribute to those who trust us. It is the commitment that we make to our clients, contractors and all those who work with us. Our company meets the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008, BRC, IFS, HACCP. During the company’s existence, we have been rewarded many times, in various competitions. The most important awards for us include: the certificate of ‘The Highest Quality’ awarded by Wielkopolskie Stowarzyszenie Badan nad Jakoscia [Wielkopolska Province Association of Quality Research], the ‘EUROFIRMA 2004’ title, ‘Najlepsze w Polsce’ [Best in Poland] certificate in the fourth edition of the Consumer Product Quality Competition, the titles of ‘Lider Jakosci Zywnosci 2006’ [Leader of the Food Quality 2006], ‘Gazela Biznesu 2006’ [Business Gazelle 2006], the title of winner of the ‘Eurocertyfikat’ [Eurocertificate] contest, in the category of ‘Certyfikat Wiarygodnosci Firmy’ [Certificate of Company Reliability], enabling participation in the European Quality Promotion Programme, PASZTETNIK – Cup of Agriculture and Rural Development for YEAR 2008, Quality of the Year 2008 in the category of Ready-Made Meals, Dobra Firma 2008 [Good Company 2008], Lider Spolecznej Odpowiedzialnosci ZLOTO 2009, [Leader of Corporate Social Responsibility GOLD 2009] – Quality of the Year in the category of Ready-Made Meals.

Please tell more about the PROFI production technology, production lines and plants.

The PROFI Company is located in Grabow on Prosna, Poland, the whole company is located here. Production takes place in two halls, which meet the highest standards. One hall only produces pates, and the other produces the remaining product range of soups, ready-made meals, ham. In its activities, PROFI wants to overtake, not just follow others, hence the continuous investment in new machine parks and technological solutions. We have a modern high storage warehouses at our disposal: for the finished products, frozen raw material, packaging. Production takes place in accordance with the current standards. The raw materials that we receive is subject to thorough quality control. Each, even the slightest, deviation from accepted standards, disqualifies raw materials supplied. If you can say that production facilities are our lungs, then the rooms where machines are used to sterilize products are the heart – here lies the secret. It is thanks to the whole complex process of production that we can offer our customers safe, and completely healthy products, without any preservatives and with a long shelf life (for the pates 24 months, for ready-made meals – 12 months). Also, thanks to these devices, consumers can store our products at room temperature.

The highest value of a company are the people who create it. How do you care for your employees?

The people who make up our company determine the main principles, which we follow in our daily work, and they are: mutual respect, professionalism in action, commitment, integrity and responsibility. To speak of a leader, one can not forget the most important element of creating our future – the human factor. We know that no company can succeed, and can not develop without the understanding and support of actions by employees at all levels. One element of professional policy is to constantly invest in the development of human resources. Time spent at work is an essential part of life for our employees. Therefore we are open also to the daily problems faced by persons employed in the company. They can, while maintaining full confidentiality, count on the company in each individual case. The PROFI Company, having selected the location of Grabow on Prosna, Poland, has become an important element in building and creating the life of the local community. We try to take care of all that we can and offer assistance. This is also reflected in our recruitment policy. We offer young people the opportunity to start a good career without the necessity of changing the environment in which they grew up.

What are your plans for the coming period in export and domestic sales?

All the time we focus on development. Although the period is difficult, we take the next challenge – the consumer expects the manufacturer to launch a new product, and the manufacturer needs to be able to adapt to the prevailing conditions. Our response to the economic downturn is launching new products on the market. This will be ready-made meals on trays and dishes in jars, expanding largely at the same time the offered product range. We are confident that our new proposals will meet with great interest. Our youngest consumers will also find something for themselves – their favourite poultry pate will soon be available in versions designed specifically for them. Maintaining the lead and inspiring changes in the market to provide customers with the highest quality products, while maintaining respect for the interests of the company, employees and the environment – are the next plans to be executed this year.

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