Polish FMCG market

  • Polish foreign trade

    Poniedziałek, 09 października 2017

    The first half of 2016 saw a low dynamics in Polish foreign trade. A low growth rate of exports in relation to previous years, combined with a minimal decrease in imports, yielded a very significant growth of the trade surplus in goods. Exports grew by 2.1% to € 90.46 billion, and imports dropped by 0.2% to € 86.27 billion. As a result, the surplus in total foreign trade grew by 92%, to €... Read more »

  • The data of the Agricultural Market Agency show that since 2003, exports of agri-food products have increased sixfold, and we have systematically achieved a considerable surplus over imports in trade in these products, exceeding EUR 7 billion annually. For several years, the share of exports of agri-food products in the total value of exports has exceeded 13%, whereas it was less than 9% at the... Read more »

  • Despite dislikes and reservations from our southern and eastern neighbours, the export of Polish food is systematically on the rise. This is by no means a matter of competitive prices alone, but a result of hard work performed by the manufacturers over the recent years, as well as the technological progress that has taken place in factories. Read more »

  • Polish food brands are not afraid to compete abroad Read more »

  • For many years, Polish products have been present on trade chain shelves worldwide. Polish exports are thriving – since 2000, the turnover of Polish foreign trade has increased as much as tenfold. Thanks to good long-term cooperation of foreign chains with Polish producers, exports of Polish products to foreign trade chains reached the value of PLN 10 billion. Such a satisfactory result is... Read more »

  • Polish tastes – why are they being sought abroad?

    Poniedziałek, 02 października 2017

    Boundaries between countries are open now like never before, travelling is becoming increasingly simple and popular. We discover different cultures and tastes easily, not just from culinary books but trying them with our own palate. Restaurants from different parts of the world are mushrooming in Poland, attracting many curious customers. But what about Polish food abroad? Read more »

  • Polish foreign trade in sweets market

    Piątek, 27 stycznia 2017

    Sweets (confectionery products, containing and not containing cocoa – CN codes 1806 and 1704), were the most valuable items in both exports and imports of sugar and confectionery products. Their exports grew noticeably in 2015, by 10.2% to 369.2 thousand tons, and their value increased even more dynamically, by 12.3% to € 1626.7 million. At the same time, imports grew by 10.9% to 208.3... Read more »

  • Exports of Polish food products

    Piątek, 07 października 2016

    Since Poland’s accession to the European Union in 2004, exports of food and agricultural commodities increased by almost 360 percent. In 2015, foreign sales of food products reached 23.9 billion euros and was 9.2 percent higher than the year before. Last year’s record was achieved despite the Russian embargo, introduced in August 2014, on the main food products from the European Union,... Read more »

  • The dynamic growth in Polish exports is a fact, and obviously a welcome one. Polish producers, who previously concentrated on provision of raw materials and unprocessed products or on contract production for private labels of foreign contractors, have now gained the necessary experience for further development of exports. Unfortunately, considering a longer time perspective, competition on... Read more »

  • Polish foreign trade in all commodities

    Piątek, 07 października 2016

    The year 2015 saw a high dynamics of Polish foreign trade. A high growth rate of exports, combined with a much lower increase dynamics of imports, resulted in a considerable trade surplus in goods. Export grew by 7.8% to € 178.7 billion, and import by 3.9% to € 175 billion. As a result, after a decade of deficit in total foreign trade, a surplus of € 3.7 billion appeared, compared to a... Read more »

  • Private labels in Poland

    Poniedziałek, 06 czerwca 2016

    In 2014, the value of sales of private label products in Poland reached PLN 50 billion, accounting for a share of above 17% in the sales of FMCG. For several years, the annual dynamics of sales of private labels has been 18-22%. Read more »

  • Polish foreign trade

    Poniedziałek, 06 czerwca 2016

    2014 showed a high exchange dynamics in the Polish foreign trade. A distinct decrease in the pace of exports, combined with a strong growth of imports, resulted in quite a dynamic increase in the goods trade deficit. Read more »

  • Market commentary

    Wtorek, 26 stycznia 2016

    When it comes to export, the chocolate - confectionary industry is one of the most dynamic industries in the food sector in Poland. Polish producers have enormous possibilities for export. It is worth noting that for a few years now, chocolate-confectionary products are ranked at 1stplace, in terms of value in the export of highly processed food, thereby making them a hit in the export market. Read more »

  • Polish sweets market 2014

    Wtorek, 26 stycznia 2016

    The export of confectionary from Poland is growing. To this group of products, we should include: confectionaries, which do not include cocoa, chocolate and products which include cocoa, as well as pastry, cakes, biscuits and wafers. This group has got a significant position in the Polish export of agriculture and food products. Read more »

  • Polish consumer preferences

    Wtorek, 26 stycznia 2016

    3.5 kg – this is how much sweets an average Pole consumes within a year. More than €3,25 billion – this is the value of the Polish confectionery market. Over 70% of this value is export. Polish sweets are exported to more than 60 countries worldwide. Read more »

  • Polish trade in commodities

    Piątek, 16 października 2015
  • Polish foreign trade

    Piątek, 16 października 2015

    2014 showed a high exchange dynamics in the Polish foreign trade. A distinct decrease in the pace of exports, combined with a strong growth of imports, resulted in quite a dynamic increase in the goods trade deficit. Read more »

  • Millano - private label

    Czwartek, 26 marca 2015

    In order to meet the needs and expectations of our customers, Millano has expanded its assortment with a broad range of own brand products. Read more »

  • Polish sweets market 2013

    Wtorek, 24 lutego 2015

    An analysis of selected issues and trends in the Polish production and foreign trade of confectionery products for 2013. (FAMMU/FAPA) Foreign Agricultural Markets Monitoring Unit – April 2014. Read more »

  • According to the Central Office of Statistics in Poland (GUS), in 2013, the growth rate in Polish GDP rose at an average of 1.7%. Like in 2012, the main determinant of economic growth was external demand. Inflation measured using the CPI Index was 0.9% y/y. The fastest growth rate was in the price of alcoholic drinks and tobacco products. An appreciation of the zloty, in relation to both the... Read more »

  • Quality in the era of market globalization

    Piątek, 24 października 2014

    There is no doubt that Polish companies compete using high quality products. Meeting the specified EU standards and possessing quality certificates significantly influences sales in export products. Read more »

  • Let's talk about trade fairs...

    Piątek, 24 października 2014

    The possibility to promote products in the international arena is undoubtedly, an important element in every business that counts on exports. During the 2014 SIAL Paris trade exhibition, polish firms are looking for possibilities in trade talks and to establish new contacts. Why are products coming from the country on the Vistula river enjoying popularity in the international markets?... Read more »

  • Polish products are loved and appreciated in the whole world, and often boast century-old tradtion, as well as exceptional recipes. Sausages, cold cuts, pierogi, smoked fish, pickled cucumber and cabbage and vodka – are the main articles associated with Poland, but the richness of the national assortment goes beyond the circle of the mentioned products. Read more »

  • Polish private label products enjoy a strong position both on domestic as well as overseas markets. According to forecasts this strong position will become even stronger with each year. A great opportunity for expansion of Polish private label products overseas is participating in the PLMA trade fair, held in Amsterdam each year. The high quality of Polish products and flexibility in... Read more »

  • Polish Private Labels abroad

    Sobota, 24 maja 2014

    Throughout last years Brand Products offered by Polish manufacturers have been enjoying a great success not only on the domestic market, but also among foreign consumers. This trend progresses today, therefore it is essential to know remarkable offer of Polish products. Read more »

  • Poland tastes good!

    Sobota, 24 maja 2014

    Some time ago basic products were the only type of products sent overseas by Polish manufacturers, mainly cereal and fruits. Today everything looks different. Read more »

  • Getting along with private label

    Sobota, 24 maja 2014

    Maria Andrzej Faliński, General Director, Polish Organization of Commerce and Distribution (POHiD) Read more »

  • Polish sweets market 2012

    Piątek, 24 stycznia 2014

    Sweets (confectionery products containing cocoa and containing no cocoa – CN codes 1806 and 1704) were the most valuable items in both exports and imports of sugar and confectionery products. In 2012, the amount of sweets exported grew by 11% reaching 274.2 thousand tons. Read more »

  • Discover Polish Sweets

    Piątek, 24 stycznia 2014

    8 kg – this is how much sweets an average Pole consumes within a year. More than €2 billion – this is the value of the Polish confectionery market. Almost half of this value is export. Even now, Polish sweets are exported to more than 60 countries worldwide. Read more »

  • Polish Sweets – The Story

    Piątek, 10 lutego 2012

    The history of sweets is very long and interesting. They were probably discovered by The Egyptians 4 000 years ago. Fruit and nuts dipped in honey were at that time their sweet delicacies. In India, honey was a rarity at the time, accessible by very few. The others gorged on bananas boiled in milk. The Japanese have known sugar since the eighth century C.E. Now what is the history of Polish... Read more »

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